Benefits of Use:
- Resists “tie-up” with calcium or aluminum to remain water soluble and available to plant roots
- Moves with irrigation water to aid in proper placement
- Can be tank-mixed to improve availability of other nutrient solutions
- Is non-salt-forming
- Aids in phosphorus uptake in cold or waterlogged soils
- Is useful in the cleaning and maintenance of drip irrigation systems
- Aids phosphorus uptake in high pH or calcareous soils
Deficiency Symptoms—When to Apply:
- Slow growth; stunted plants
- Purplish coloration on foliage of some plants (older leaves first)
- Dark green coloration with tips of leaves dying
- Poor grain, fruit, or seed development
- Leaves and terminal buds distorted
- LETTUCE: tip burn; TOMATO/PEPPER: blossom-end rot; CUCUMBER: hollow heart; BROCCOLI: black heart
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