
The Huma Gro Product Quality Assurance Process

In this video, we show the scientific steps we take to make sure that all our Huma Gro® liquid products are built according to specifications, are consistent from batch to batch, and are of the highest quality.

By |2023-11-14T14:44:48-07:00April 20th, 2022|Blog Post, Editorial, Plant & Soil, Research & Development|Comments Off on The Huma Gro Product Quality Assurance Process

New Video: 8 Essential Products for Wastewater Bioremediation

n this video, Heather Jennings, PE, Director of Probiotic Solutions®, provides an introduction to 8 essential products for wastewater bioremediation.

By |2023-11-22T21:01:44-07:00April 18th, 2022|Blog Post, Environmental, Video|Comments Off on New Video: 8 Essential Products for Wastewater Bioremediation

Open, With Care: A Video Message From Bio Huma Netics

 BHN Operation Team Message from BHN_Vimeo on Vimeo. At Bio Huma Netics, Inc., our Operations Team realizes the incredible challenges that are in the world today, and we are doing everything in our power to better serve you. From the start of the crises, our Team has focused on keeping our employees, customers, families,

By |2023-10-10T17:58:54-07:00April 18th, 2022|Blog Post, Video|Comments Off on Open, With Care: A Video Message From Bio Huma Netics

Huma Gro® Fertilizer Products Increase Cucumber Yields at ROI of 113%

The Huma Gro® fertilizer treatment increased the cucumber yield by 2% (8 bushels per acre) over the Check, with a return on investment (ROI) of 113%.

By |2023-09-25T17:25:59-07:00April 18th, 2022|Blog Post, Company, Plant & Soil, Tech Additives|Comments Off on Huma Gro® Fertilizer Products Increase Cucumber Yields at ROI of 113%

What Differentiates Humic and Fulvic Acids?

By Richard Lamar, PhDDirector of Humic ResearchBio Huma Netics, Inc. For centuries, humic acids (HA) were thought to be composed of much larger molecules than those found in fulvic acids (FA). However, the application of Fourier-transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR MS), which separates molecules on the basis of molecular weight, demonstrates that the

By |2023-11-22T21:07:02-07:00April 14th, 2022|Blog Post, Company, Plant & Soil, Research & Development|Comments Off on What Differentiates Humic and Fulvic Acids?

BHN Welcomes Rich Lamar to the Humic Research Team

On May 1, 2019, Dr. Richard Lamar joined Bio Huma Netics, Inc. (BHN) as Senior Director of Humic Research. He brings a tremendous amount of skills, experience, and knowledge of humic substances to BHN. Dr. Lamar has a B.S. in Biology from the University of Miami, a M.S. in Forestry from Mississippi State University, and

By |2023-11-22T21:07:28-07:00March 31st, 2022|Blog Post, Press Release, Research & Development|Comments Off on BHN Welcomes Rich Lamar to the Humic Research Team

The Water Break Podcast Hits 4,000 Downloads

This week, our Water Break Podcast reached the milestone of 4,000 downloads. Our fanbase is growing quickly, as it took us 18 episodes and 16 months to reach 3,000 downloads but then only 3 more episodes to reach the 4,000-download mark. The statistics report from Blubrry, our podcast hosting service, has also let us know

By |2023-10-10T18:09:31-07:00March 30th, 2022|Blog Post, Company, Environmental|Comments Off on The Water Break Podcast Hits 4,000 Downloads

JoVE Video Journal Publication: Quantification of Humic and Fulvic Acids

Dr. Richard T. Lamar and Dr. Hiarhi Monda of our Humic Research Laboratory, with assistance from analytical chemist Ryan Fountain, have published a methodology video in the biochemistry section of the peer-reviewed online video journal, JoVE. The video, Quantification of Humic and Fulvic Acids in Humate Ores, DOC, Humified Materials and Humic Substance-Containing Commercial Products,

By |2023-10-30T20:32:26-07:00March 22nd, 2022|Blog Post, News & Events, Plant & Soil, Research & Development, Tech Additives, Video|Comments Off on JoVE Video Journal Publication: Quantification of Humic and Fulvic Acids

PS Article Published in Tri-State Seminar Proceedings

An article by Heather Jennings, PE, Director of Probiotic Solutions®, has been published in Tri-State Seminars Magazine, the proceedings of the 36th Annual Tri-State Seminar, held on August 9–12, 2021, in Las Vegas, Nev. Ms. Jennings was a featured presenter at the seminar, which provides training and certification classes to educate water professionals from Arizona,

By |2023-10-10T18:09:15-07:00March 12th, 2022|Blog Post, Case Studies, Company, Environmental|Comments Off on PS Article Published in Tri-State Seminar Proceedings
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