
Video: Super Phos + Calcium Mixing Stability Test

English and Spanish subtitles are available. In this video, we demonstrate the unique compatibility of our highly concentrated Super Phos® 0-50-0 product when mixed with calcium. In traditional fertilizers, when phosphorus and calcium are mixed they can precipitate and fall out of solution. The resulting calcium phosphate can clog drip emitters and damage sprayers. Our

Field Trial: X-Tend® Increases Glyphosate Effectiveness

Objective Over the years, some weeds have developed resistance to common herbicides such as glyphosate. To overcome this hurdle, growers may bump up the rates or add other herbicides or products with different mechanisms/modes of action into the tank mix. Such approaches have had mixed results over the long run and have increased the cost

By |2023-09-25T17:25:59+00:00May 12th, 2022|Blog Post, Company, Featured Products, Plant & Soil|0 Comments

Natural, Efficient Sludge Reduction

Let us help you reduce Sludge, Odor, BOD/COD, and FOG's the easy and affordable way- with our Probiotic Solutions® products. They are used successfully in wastewater treatment systems to improve water quality and reduce operating costs.  Our ultra-efficient products are liquid biostimulants that accelerate the degradation of organic waste by increasing microbial activity and balancing nutrients in the growth environment. Probiotic Solutions®

By |2023-10-10T17:51:29+00:00September 28th, 2021|Featured Products, Tech Additives|0 Comments

Lower Operating Costs with Super Phos®

Paper Mill Wastewater Treatment System Project Summary A paper mill wastewater treatment facility uses diammonium phosphate to maintain a healthy microbial population. These microorganisms, which break down the organic matter, require the correct concentration of available phosphorus, without which the microorganisms are unable to grow and reproduce. Continue reading.

BIO ENERGIZER® Reduces Sludge at a Small Municipal Facility in Utah

A small municipality in Utah (pop. 1,800) had a wastewater system with a flow rate of 192,000 gallons per day. The system included a series of four lagoons, although at this time only Ponds 1 and 2 were being evaluated for treatment. The influent consisted of domestic waste as well as septic. Pond 1 was

By |2023-10-10T17:52:11+00:00August 23rd, 2019|Case Studies, Featured Products|0 Comments

BIO ENERGIZER® Reduces Sludge at Municipal Wastewater Treatment Facility in New Mexico

A small town in New Mexico (pop. 1,300) had a municipal wastewater system with a flow rate of 50,000 gallons per day. The system included a series of three lagoons. A recent sludge judge showed Pond 1 had an average sludge depth of 1.9 feet, Pond 2 averaged 3.5 feet, and Pond 3 averaged 2.7

By |2023-10-10T17:52:12+00:00August 23rd, 2019|Case Studies, Featured Products|0 Comments

BIO ENERGIZER® Reduces Sludge, BOD, and Odor—City in Illinois

A small town in Illinois (pop. 3,500) had a municipal wastewater system that was in need of sludge removal. The sludge accumulation problem had become so problematic that the sludge was visible at the surface. The exposed sludge was causing an odor problem for the nearby residents. In addition, due to the high solids accumulation,

By |2023-10-10T17:52:18+00:00August 23rd, 2019|Case Studies, Featured Products|0 Comments

Solids Destruction Efficiency Using BIO ENERGIZER®

A small Missouri Sewer District operated a single wastewater lagoon that treated approximately 10,000 gallons per day of municipal sewage. The lagoon was in need of sludge removal as it had not been dredged since it was constructed in the ‘70s. By treating the lagoon with Bio Energizer®, the District saw improvement in water clarity,

By |2023-10-10T17:52:25+00:00August 23rd, 2019|Case Studies, Featured Products|0 Comments

Rural Colorado Town Uses BIO ENERGIZER® to Reduce Wastewater Lagoon Sludge and Save Money

The wastewater treatment plant superintendent for a rural Colorado town of about 500 people noticed that the plant’s three wastewater lagoons were filling with sludge, but he was dealing with budget constraints. The town’s population fluctuates throughout the year, and the varied loading was affecting system performance. Continue reading

By |2023-10-10T17:52:39+00:00August 23rd, 2019|Case Studies, Featured Products|0 Comments

BIO ENERGIZER® Reduces Sludge at Sugar Refinery Wastewater Treatment Lagoons

Location: Louisiana A large sugar refinery struggled with elevated BOD and COD values in its wastewater treatment lagoons due to the sugar refinery process. The lagoon wastewater system capacity was 25 million gallons with an influent of 1.25 million gallons per day. The wastewater system also suffered from accumulating sludge as well as significant odor

By |2023-10-10T17:52:44+00:00August 23rd, 2019|Case Studies, Featured Products|0 Comments


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