Bio Energizer
Benefits of Use:
- Reduces noxious odors
- Breaking down of fats and greases
- Drying beds dry faster
- Reduces sludge buildup in lagoons
- Sustains dissolved oxygen levels
- Decreases mechanical aeration and energy costs
- Speeds organic matter composting while improving quality
- Lowers sludge dewatering and hauling costs
- Reduces filamentous foaming and bulking
- Improves flocculation and settleability
- Minimizes upsets
- An economical alternative to mechanical sludge removal eliminating handling costs and out-of-service time
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Huma Environmental Wastewater Treatment Products
Huma Environmental wastewater treatment products are meant to work with all of the systems to proactive with biology. Our products stimulate the biology that is already present. A product line that stimulates what's already present
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Lagoon Study Shows Sludge Layer Biologically Active and Responsive to Reduction Using Bio Energizer®
Summary In this study, a one-year bioremediation plan was implemented for a municipal wastewater treatment facility with 2 primary lagoons that were at risk of upset and in which wastewater processing capacity was reduced due to an increased sludge layer. Specific changes in strata microbial life were tracked through ATP and DNA analysis at quarterly
Bio Energizer® Toxicity Testing
Abstract Bio Energizer® is frequently used to facilitate bioremediation of wastewater. A study was conducted by an independent laboratory to measure possible negative effects Bio Energizer® might have on a freshwater test species (rainbow trout). Using EPA-approved methodology to evaluate Bio Energizer®, the lab administered the product at 10 ppm to a test tank and
Bio Energizer® Reduces Sludge at Small Municipal Facility
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